This is customer header text

This is a subtitle

This is the H2 header

H3 (class) in a Full width text block

This is normal text in the full width text block. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer fringilla vitae lacus nec tempus. Fusce nec vehicula ex. Nulla purus enim, posuere vitae ultricies vitae, semper vitae arcu. Nam scelerisque mi sed vulputate varius. Aliquam ut nulla vehicula, viverra diam ac, consequat nunc. Duis finibus massa orci, nec euismod tortor sollicitudin non. Curabitur viverra risus vel condimentum accumsan. Maecenas suscipit varius tortor, sed viverra justo porttitor et.

Material Icon Support

task_alt analytics lightbulb

See admin dashboard for usage

This is a Callout

It's another way to highlight any text that you want to feature - like a summary or important point.

Full Width Text block in a Panel

Also... centered. Can be used as a header for a section.

Meta Text

A Text and Image block

This is the layout where the proportion is set to 50/50. You can choose which side you want the image on. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer fringilla vitae lacus nec tempus.

Call to action

Or assign a trackable call to action:

Connect with Us

Text and Image block in a panel

This is the layout where the proportion is set to 25/75. As you can see, this makes the image smaller because the text takes up more space. This works will if the image is an icon for example. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer fringilla vitae lacus nec tempus. Fusce nec vehicula ex.

Click Here

Inline image placeholder

Meta Text

Text and Video Block 

This can be in a panel as well. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer fringilla vitae lacus nec tempus. Fusce nec vehicula ex. Nulla purus enim, posuere vitae ultricies vitae, semper vitae arcu. Fusce nec vehicula ex.

Icon placeholder

"This is a Quote. Can be in a panel or not. Integer fringilla vitae lacus nec tempus. Fusce nec vehicula ex. Nulla purus enim, posuere vitae ultricies vitae, semper vitae arcu."

Joe Camel - ABC Company

This is a full width video

It can also have an optional subtitle.

This is an optional caption for the video

H3 Header - This block is a sample of styles available through the WYSIWYG editor in the admin.

H4 Header - Good as a subheader

Normal text is great for general body copy.  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, bold adipiscing elit.

Lead Text is great for bringing focus to something important.

Lorem ipsum dolor italics, bold adipiscing elit. Integer fringilla vitae lacus nec tempus.

Here's a unordered list:

  • Item 1 and item 2
  • Items 2 and 4

Here's an unordered list with checks for bullets. You have to add the class manually to the UL tag:

  • Item 1 and item 2
  • Items 2 and 4

Here's a numbered list:

  1. First thing
  2. Second thing

You can even use some colored text to highlight something.

Buton Style

Button Style

"If you want to include a quote inline with other text, try using a block quote."
Inline image placeholder
This is a caption for the full width image. Make sure it's large enough, unlike the placeholder above.


Implementation Costs


Lives Saved


Errors Recorded


Commits Made

This is the optional disclaimer or other text. A fourth item is optional. Three look good as well.

This is the Agenda Table block

Time Topic Speaker
9:00am - 10:00am Learn Craft CMS John Smith
10:00am - 11:00am Enter all the Blog posts Jane Dough

This is the Accordions block.

You see the answer below.

Pretty much the same thing.

This is the Text Columns block

This is intro text for the text columns block. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer fringilla vitae lacus nec tempus. Fusce nec vehicula ex. Nulla purus enim, posuere vitae ultricies vitae, semper vitae arcu.


Lorem Ipsum

Dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer fringilla vitae lacus nec tempus.



Vehicula ex nulla purus enim, posuere vitae ultricies vitae, semper vitae arcu.


Lorem Ipsum

Dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer fringilla vitae lacus nec tempus.


Fusce Nec

Vehicula ex nulla purus enim, posuere vitae ultricies vitae, semper vitae arcu.

Optional closing text can appear here. The bullet symbol can be a features icon or a check mark.

Below Is The "Most Recent" Block. Single Item.

Two Items

Three Items

This Is The Carousel Header With A Logo Or Single Image Mode.